Saturday, September 29, 2018

Nice and tight

When Jake and Josh saw the old rope there were to be tied with, they felt a pit of fear in their stomach.
It was going to hurt.  Hurt a lot.
"Nice and tight," he said.
They were facing the wall now, with the arms behind their backs.  They broke out into a cold sweat as the rope was looped around both their arms, beginning at their shoulders, then down their biceps, elbows forearms and wrists.
It pinched and itched.
When it was in place two of them yanked the the ends, and the ropes tightened, forcing their arms as close as possible.  The rope burn felt like their arms were being amputated.  They looked at each other as now blood was oozing around the ropes, giving them a reddish color.

"Please loosen them.  Your cutting our arms up!"
"Give another yank and make them tighter."
This time they screamed.  Some old rags were shoved down their throats and tied in place with rope between their teeth, causing it to cut into the sides of their mouth and cheeks.

They stripped the boys of their jeans, and roped their legs like their arms.

Then, putting each one over one of their abductors shoulders, they were dumped into the back of their own van, hogtied ankles to wrists, and taken for a long drive.


The pain was excruciating.
It was torture.
Any movement of our arms or legs only increased the agony.
The sweat on our tank tops mixed with the blood from our backs, giving them a pinkish color.

I thought I would puke, but realized  if I did I would choke on my own vomit.
It seemed like an eternity they drove.  When the finally stopped they opened the van door.  Before I could see were we were they took duct tape that was with our supplies and taped up our eyes and gags.
We were dragged by our legs into a building....

Our hands were taped into fists so our fingers could not reach the knots.

We were now standing, back to back, arms to arms, as the mummified our bodies together with duct tape from our necks to our feet.

They kicked out our legs from under us, and we crashed onto a wooden floor.

We were now sweating and bleeding profusely, however our arms were totally numb and we no longer felt the pain.

I could hear them laughing as they took photos of us.

And then they began to drink.

My whole body jerked....
So did my buddies.....

Now we were squirming, bringing back the agony as the ropes sawed into our skin.

The drunken bastards were tickling our feet!

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