Saturday, April 29, 2017

Ransom Demands

The parents of the missing boys watched Jake's video stream.  As it ended a hand appeared and shoved a dirty rag into his mouth.  They helplessly watched as his eyes and mouth were taped up. They stood him up and turned him around.

The parents gasped.

His arms had been bound behind him with a rough rope.  From the binding just above elbows some blood was oozing from under the ropes. His forearms and bound wrists were an ugly purplish color and his veins were popping through the skin.  Rope circled his torso, binding his upper arms to his sides.

His mother was crying.

"He a tough kid, he can take it," his father said, a quiver in his voice as the camera went dark.


Benny lay there hogtied, still in a pool of sweat.  He had tried to fight them off, but they overpowered him, beat him up, and roped him extra tight. He had squirmed and struggled to free his arms, only to tear his skin to shreds. Now, exhausted, he listened to Jake's speech.  He heard the dreaded sound of the tape being pulled off the roll gagging Jake.  He could not know that the camera was now on him, close up on his ropes, his bound ankles tied to his wrists.


Every few hours they would pull the gag off  Brian, have him drink Ensure through a straw.  Twice a day they would cut his hogtie, drag him outside to piss and shit, and then they would clean him with a hose, fix his pants, drag him back to be hogtied.  He figured they would at least untie his arms and wrists to give him some relief, but they never did, and he wondered how long it would take before gangrene would set in, and would they have to amputate his arms!


The third day.

Jason's parents puked as they watched their son taped and led away.  His legs buckled under him from being bent in the hogtie for two days so they kicked him as he struggled to get up.  When he was brought back to his friends, he could hear them whimpering now.  Jason broke down too as they bound his legs and hogtied him.


Twelve hours latter.

Somebody touched Jeremy on his head!


"That touch.  I remember how my body jerked.  This is it, I figured.  They're going to torture me to death.

Remember that we had been bound now for 3 and a half days.  You loose all sense of time by then.  Your body no longer has any feeling.  Your mind however is racing....  racing as you realize your are going insane.  

Anyway my hogtie was cut....

Then the tape was cut from my face.

I planned with my last breath to spit in his face.

 I broke down and wept as Officer Martinez helped me and my friends to the waiting evac choppers.

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