Thursday, April 7, 2022

Kidnapped and Strung up

 As they watched, a hand holding a roll of thick tape came behind Ryan.  This head was circled blindfolding and gagging the strung up boy.  Ryan offered no resistance.  The image faded to black.

They tied Jake's wrists to the dangling ropes.  He was still semi-conscious from the beating to his face.  They hoisted the ropes up, and Jake hung from his wrists.

Then he was taped.

They stretched out Coach Benson, they hoisted him up.  He looked them in the eye.  "Go fuck yourselves." When he was hanging from his wrists they beat him up.

"They marched us in at gunpoint.  I tried to stay calm.  I knew we were being kidnapped...... I figured I was going to be tied up, maybe gagged too, and held for ransom.

I was not expecting to be put in a choke hold, gut punched until I collapsed, my wrists roped and strung up, hanging from my wrists!

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