Friday, March 31, 2017

Rough Raw Rope

They had already talked among themselves about the rope.

Dozens of coils of it in a pile.
They had figured out they were sooner or latter be bound with it.
And it was going to hurt.
Jesse even said that was why they were forced to strip to the waist.

Greg and Paulo broke out into a sweat as they weaved the rope around Jesse's arms behind his back.
He did not make a sound as they bound them at his shoulder, biceps, elbows, forearms and wrists. Circling the hemp once around his neck they kept moving down his torso, tugging and pulling and forcing the rope to squash into he pecs and guts, his arms now forced deep into the small of his back. Kicking his feet from under him, Jesse crashed down onto the floor, his weigh on his arms.  Jesse cursed and kicked as they one shoved a part of his shirt into his mouth and tied it with rope between his teeth, while the other striped him to his shorts.

Then they rope his legs, bending each leg and looping rope around his ankle and thigh, The stress on his muscles cramped his thighs and hamstrings as he know was on his belly, laying in a pool of his sweat.

Tying a thinner piece of rope around Jesse's two large toes the grabbed his hair, pulled the youth's head back and tied his toes to his neck.

My heart was pounding with my chest.
This was going to be torture.
Jesse was still, not moving, but the ropes were already cutting into his body.

I knelt and surrendered my arms behind my back.
I never felt anything like this...
joints straining...
the pinching of my skin..
I never sweated so profoundly as my body revolted against the pain and the cramps.

I was on the floor, next to Jesse.  Our eyes showed helplessness and terror as we watched them grab Greg and tied him up.

The ropes were like a hacksaw cutting through muscle.  Any movement at all drew blood.  The ropes on Paulo and Jesse had blood stains on them.

One of the kidnappers came down to my face.

There was nothing we could do as we were beaten and knocked out.

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