Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Harris Boys

Mr. Harris.  We've kidnapped your sons.
We have the nicely tied up.
We want $3 million in ransom, or we will torture them slowly to death.
Instructions follow.

 They were stretched out on the ground between two stakes... one roped to their necks, another roped to their ankles.

 They lay on their bound roped numb arms.... tied together at the elbows, forearms and wrists, and roped biceps only a few inches apart.

 Their shirts had been rolled over their heads, around their necks, baring their chests, glistening with sweat under the scorching sun. 

A rolled up bandanna was shoved down their throats.  

A second knotted bandanna, tied around their heads, held the gag in place.

Their torsos jerked involuntarily as the sun tortured their faces, chests and abs.  

The ropes around their necks and bare feet burned their flesh as their bodies jerked frantically
trying to escape the sun rays.

They were parched with thirst.  
Their kidnappers would torture their feet by using a pointed stick to tickle their soles, jerking their staked out bodies all the more.

Each one had a camera above their gagged faces, focusing on their terrified eyes, their sweat soaked faces, and their raw necks.  Their heads would jerk around and their groans of agony were live-streamed to their father.

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