Sunday, February 9, 2020


The ropes rubbed Ryan's arms and wrists raw behind his back.  He finally regained consciousness and found himself tied up and gagged.  His arms, lashed together behind his back, throbbed with numbness.  He trashed his body violently, trying to loosen the ropes, only to chafe his skin even more.  Finally he stopped, exhausted.  He realized there was no escape.  He had been drugged, kidnapped, and tied up.  Now all he could do was wait to see what was next.


He had lots of rope to work with...

...and Hector and Jamie collapsed.

Putting them in the trunk of a car they drove off to their hideout.

Dumping the unconscious boys on the floor, they pulled their arms behind their backs and bound their biceps, elbows, forearms and wrists, their forearms lashed together.  The bandannas around their brows, when knotted in the middle, made perfect gags.  Their bound legs, when bent back, put them into tight hogties.  They lay there, slowly coming to.  And then the panic of discovery:  they were bound and gagged!

Exhausted.  Splitting headache from the drug. Bound and Gagged.  Kidnapped.  All they could do was sweat and await their fates.

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