Monday, October 21, 2019

Terrorist clan

They were on the run from the cops.
They need a place to stay hidden.
The old Baker farm would be perfect.

They were well prepared.  They were well armed and had a good supply of rope and tape to bind their victims.

And they would be bound and gagged and tormented by this terrorist clan.

Jacob's wrists had been bound behind his back.
Put into a choke hold, the beat his belly until the sweat was spraying from his body and his legs collapsed.

Now in the dirt on his belly, one began to bind his ankles and legs, while other looped ropes around his arms from his shoulders to his wrists, and, with a boot on his arms, yanked and tightened the ropes as Jacob screamed and his arms collapsed together, leaving only a few scant inches between his biceps.  They pulled him up by his head, brought in too his feet, and circled his eyes, mouth, chest and gut with tape.  Putting him over one of their shoulders, they brought him into the old barn, dumped him on the floor, bent his legs and tied his ankles to his neck.

Once they had Jesse roped and taped they brought him into the barn and dumped him next to his brother. He too was hognecked. They turned the two brothers around so that they lay on their arms and bent legs.  Hamstings cramped and the ropes tightened around their necks.

Someone fired their automatic weapon. The terrorized bothers gag screamed as the hot butt of the gun was pushed into their belly buttons.

They made Josh strip to the waste and marched him into the barn.  He looked down at his terrorized brothers, breathing heavy, soaked in sweat, in pain from their rope burn and the cramps.

They took Josh's wrists and crossed them in front of his belly, bound them, and strung him up to a beam in the roof.  Dangling from his wrists, he feet several inches off the ground, they grabbed his hair, pulled his head back, and bound his elbows together in front of his throat.  Taping up his eyes and mouth, they taped his forearms together.  Roping around each of his biceps, they tied them too his neck.

As he hung there, they bound his legs and feet, bent his legs back and tied his shins to his thighs.

While the sweat poured down Josh's chest, they beat his gut as he swung backs and forth, until he was knocked out.  Pounding the hognecked brothers on their guts, they too were made unconscious.

Leaving them they went in and began to ransack the house.

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