Friday, June 7, 2019

The Carter Boys


They hung from their wrists.
Their elbows had been bound together behind their heads, forcing their gagged faces to stare at the ground.  Their biceps were lashed to their necks.  If the moved their arms they could choke. Their sweat dripped from their chins making puddles on the old dirt floor.  

Their legs had been bound and their ankles crossed and tied on their boots.  Their legs were then bent back and their boots were hogtied to their elbows.   Each had a camera in front of him, live streaming a ransom demand to their father.

The boys hung.  Blood trickled down their arms as the ropes had cut through their wrists.  Their necks were raw.  After several hours they panicked.  They started to scream in their gags and squirm in their bonds, only causing the ropes to cut deep into their elbows and bound biceps.

Exhausted, they stopped.  All they could do was hang by their wrists and drip sweat as the awaited the payments of the ransoms.

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