Saturday, May 11, 2019

Left to the animals

They tied their wrists behind their backs.  A sturdy tree branch was put between their backs and upper arms.  Each of their upper arms were bound to it, tightly around their triceps and tightened between their biceps and the wood.  Their tied wrists were pushed up and tied to the middle of the branch, causing their biceps to bulge in the rope.  The pain was excruciating and they broke out into a cold sweat.  A rope tethered their necks, leaving a space of a foot between them as they were marched for miles through the woods.


When they arrived they marched the boys into the old woodshed.  Ripping their shirts off their bodies, it was used to make a tight gag.  Then they roped around their chests, tightly binding their arms to their backs.  

They were dumped onto their bellies.

They stripped them of their boots, pants and socks, leaving them only in the shorts.  Binding their legs and feet, they tied their ankles to the center of the branch, hogtying them.  Finally the took the rope that tethered their necks, cut it and tied each of their necks to their wrists.

"That will teach you to trespass on our property.  Enjoy the night.  Hope the animals bite!"

They screamed and squirmed, but to no avail.

They lay their bound as dusk fell and the animals began to awake.

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