Saturday, May 18, 2019

Kidnap Revenge

Blind and Bound.
Held by their tied arms.
Sweat spraying from their bodies.
Stomach pounded until they collapsed.
Knocked out.


When they regained consciousness they were upside down, hanging from their feet!
Their arms were still tightly roped behind their backs at the biceps, elbows, forearms and wrists.
Ropes circled their chest and
tortured bellies, forcing their bound forearms deep into their spines.

The tape that had covered their eyes now covered their mouths, which had been stuffed with pieces of their torn shirts.

Their arms and guts pounded with waves of pain.
Sweat dripped from their bodies, puddling on the floor below them.  They tried to crunch up in a
fruitless attempt to get to their feet, only to drop down screaming in agony as their pounded guys contracted.

They gagged begged.
But the pounding
began again.
They swayed back and forth
knowing that round 2 would only lead to round 3!

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