Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hogneck Tied

If the Carter brothers moved their arms or legs in the ropes that tied them, they would choke.  The sturdy tree branch had be laid across their backs, and their upper arms were tightly lashed to it.  Their wrists had be pulled up high behind their backs, bulging their biceps in the ropes. Their heads had been pulled back so their chin was on the ground, and a rope from their wrists was tied to their necks.  Their upper arms were being cut up by the ropes, but if they tried to lower their hands, they would choke.

Their boots and socks had been removed.
Their legs were bound at their thighs and above and below their knees.

Their large toes were tied together, their legs bent back, and a rope went from their toes to their necks.  

Their muscles cramped.  But if they moved their legs to release the cramps, they would choke.

They were gagged with knotted ropes.  Ropes covered their eyes.  Their terrorized moans filled the place of their captivity.  Their bare chests lay in pools of sweat.

Then they began to make some ransom videos....

....tickling their bare soles of their feet....

....squirming and choking in their hognecked ties.

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