Wednesday, August 1, 2018

A taste of their own medicine

Lance Corporals Justin Page and Hector Nunez started at the two me who had broken into Justin's home.  He and His best pal Hector were taking their R&R together.  Little did they know they would become kidnapped in an affair that would go all the way to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

On their bellies, their crossed wrists were tightly bound with rope.  Duct tape was shoved between their teeth and around their heads several times.

They looked at each other.  Sweat began to bead on their brows.

"Look here," on of their abductors said after taking their wallets.  "We have two Marines!"

"Lucky choice we made to brake in here.  We can get ransom from the Marine Corps."

Justin and Hector looked at each other.  They had some prisoner of war training:  they were tied up and slapped around, but this was real.

"OK, knock them out!.

They came to Justin, pushed up his sleeve and plunged a syringe into his shoulder.  Coming to Hector he tried to fight them off, but a kick in the balls and a shot in the arm soon had he and his buddy out cold.


Justin awoke with a cloth over his eyes.  His head was pulled back and ropes circled the 20 year old's neck. 

He strained his body.  He was bound to a chair.

His tied wrists had been pulled up the back of the chair and tied to his neck.

His biceps were lashed and frapped to the sides of the chair.

His legs and ankles were now tied, and a long rope from between his ankles went under the chair and up to his wrists.

If he moved he choked.

If was then he heard the sounds of gasping and coughing and choking.

He shook his head as much as he could and the cloth fell off his face.


His arms and legs, bound as they were were jerking wildly, causing the ropes around his neck to tighten even more as he was drowned.   They would stop.  Hector would spit up water and gasp for breath only to be drowned again.

Finally the stopped.  Hector was breathing heavy, the tortured Marine trying to stay calm.

His struggles had caused the ropes around his upper arms and wrists to slice through his skin.  Blood trickled down his arms and dripped to the floor, giving the water below the chair a pinkish hue.

They came back to Justin.

They pulled the gag off of him and before he could even speak his drowning began.


Hector knew that, unless they escaped, they would be tortured again.  Justin was unconscious. 

They had cut the ropes from their necks and from their ankles to their wrists, thinking they might choke.  The planned to take another video, cutting up their chests and gut.

It was an old wooden chair.

Hector had a plan.  He also knew he could brake his arms!

He began to rock his body until the chair tipped and fell onto its side.  He bit down hard on his gag to stifle the screams.  Justin came too, and saw Hector on his side, figuring they had tortured him again.  But he was strain his body and the seat from away from the back of the chair.  Still bound to it he crawled over to Justin, got onto his knees, and with his numb fingers worked Justin's bounds until he was free enough to
untie himself.  Then he freed Hector.


They found the guns their abductors used.

They were drunk in the next room.

A sharp hit to their heads knocked them out.

Now, staked out, their kidnappers began to get a taste of their own medicine.

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