Thursday, May 24, 2018

Torture kidnap

We lay prone in the truck.  As one held a gone on us, the other crossed our wrists and ankles and tied them tightly with rope.  Lashing our knees and thighs, he forced our elbows to touch.  When the three of us were bound hand and foot they gagged us with bandannas.  Then he turned us onto our backs.

He was they one that roped us.  I could see he enjoyed it and was serious.  I nodded I understood.  He pulled the black tarp over us.  With the hot sun beaming on it, it soon became and oven.  We were numbing up and drowning in sweat.  They took off and drove for a long time.  Sometime on highways and others on dirt roads with our bodies crashing into each other.  Finally they stopped.

The pulled back the tarp.  I breathed deeply the fresh air.

They took another bandanna and blindfolded me.  Carrying my by my shoulders and feet I was dumped onto a splintery wooden floor.

I was dumped on my back.  It felt like I broke my bound arms.  They weaved rope between my biceps and forced them as close together as they could and tied them up. Then they circled my chest and belly with rope, forcing my forearms deep into my spine.  It now was painful.  They cut the ropes around my thighs and knees.  I could not figure out what they were going to do to me.  I lay on my back.  They grabbed my bound crossed ankles and pushed me legs to my face.  I was screaming now and my spine felt it was going to snap! The pushed my head forward, got my ankles behind my neck, and tied them to the ropes between my biceps.

All I could do was scream in the gag as my body shivered from the cold sweat.

The fuckers were not finished with us.

I was like a pretzel.  I was body numb.  Waves of pain went through my body.  Sweat poured out of every pore.

They pulled the blindfold and gag off and recorded our spasms and  screams.

I now realized that was a kidnapping for ransom and the torture was to make sure they paid the ransom quickly.

With the cameras still rolling they put some rope around my neck, moved the three of together and tied our necks up. 

The drove off and left us screaming and gasping not knowing if we would be left like this for hours or days.

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