Friday, May 25, 2018
The $5 million ransom
Jesse sat against the steel column in the abandoned factory. They pulled his arms behind it, crossed his wrists and tied them together with rope and then to the column. They then roped around his biceps and neck, lashing him to it. Shoving a rag into his mouth, the plastered it with duct tape. Finally the crossed his legs and tied his ankles together and his thighs to his shins.
They boys were trembling, overcome with fear, as they watched their coach being lashed to the column.
As Jesse helplessly watched, they bound the boys.
Jimmy just stared at the coach as they pulled his arms behind his back and bound his wrists and elbows. They pushed the boy face down to the floor, tied his knees and feet and hogtied his ankles to his wrists.
Then the shoved a rag into his mouth and taped it in place.
Jimmy just lay there and sweat.
Brian was trembling as they tied him up.
He had never been so scared in his life
He complained that the ropes were too tight, but they only made them tighter behind his back
He stared the Coach, looking for rescue.
The coach's face was now covered with sweat and the arms pits of his shirt were wet.
Brian just closed his eyes as they roped his ankles to his feet.
There was nothing we could do.
One by one they tied up and hogtied each of the members of the team as the Coach watched helplessly.
He was amazed at the stamina of they boys. These were his tough wrestlers.
Now they were kidnapped boys.
They had ran the bus off the road and forced the Coach to drive to the abandoned factory. There, one by one they bound each of the boys on the team as the coach helplessly watched.
So there we were, the coach and the whole team, bound and gagged
and hoping that the school board would pay the $5 million ransom!
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Torture kidnap
We lay prone in the truck. As one held a gone on us, the other crossed our wrists and ankles and tied them tightly with rope. Lashing our knees and thighs, he forced our elbows to touch. When the three of us were bound hand and foot they gagged us with bandannas. Then he turned us onto our backs.
He was they one that roped us. I could see he enjoyed it and was serious. I nodded I understood. He pulled the black tarp over us. With the hot sun beaming on it, it soon became and oven. We were numbing up and drowning in sweat. They took off and drove for a long time. Sometime on highways and others on dirt roads with our bodies crashing into each other. Finally they stopped.
The pulled back the tarp. I breathed deeply the fresh air.
They took another bandanna and blindfolded me. Carrying my by my shoulders and feet I was dumped onto a splintery wooden floor.
I was dumped on my back. It felt like I broke my bound arms. They weaved rope between my biceps and forced them as close together as they could and tied them up. Then they circled my chest and belly with rope, forcing my forearms deep into my spine. It now was painful. They cut the ropes around my thighs and knees. I could not figure out what they were going to do to me. I lay on my back. They grabbed my bound crossed ankles and pushed me legs to my face. I was screaming now and my spine felt it was going to snap! The pushed my head forward, got my ankles behind my neck, and tied them to the ropes between my biceps.
All I could do was scream in the gag as my body shivered from the cold sweat.
The fuckers were not finished with us.
I was like a pretzel. I was body numb. Waves of pain went through my body. Sweat poured out of every pore.
They pulled the blindfold and gag off and recorded our spasms and screams.
I now realized that was a kidnapping for ransom and the torture was to make sure they paid the ransom quickly.
With the cameras still rolling they put some rope around my neck, moved the three of together and tied our necks up.
The drove off and left us screaming and gasping not knowing if we would be left like this for hours or days.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
The Jensen boys watched as he took the rope he had and threw it over the rafters in the barn roof.
"You the the middle, with the mouth your're first."
Walking him under one of the ropes from the rafter, he weaved it around his biceps then heaved him up until he boots were a few inches off the floor. It felt like his wrists were being sawed through.
Jake watched as he hoisted up he two brothers. Now they were dangling, the three in a row.
"There, now comes the gags.!
He grabbed their shirts and torn them into strips which he shoved down their throats and tied them in place with rope between their teeth.
Josh, the youngest, tried to fight the gag. He put the boy in a choke hold and got the gag in.
"You got some fight in your boy? Wait to you see what I am going to do to your feet!"
He pulled off Josh's boots and sicks and folded up his jeans up to his thigh. Crossing his ankles, he tied them and then bent his legs back. With a long rope he hogtied the boys feet to his biceps.
The pain was shocking. His biceps were burning and his thighs cramped. He was gurgling in the gag.
Sweat broke out from every pore, dripping down his chin, from his pits and chest.
He finished Jesse off. Now the three brothers hung from their upper arms, the rope across their guts holding their wrists in place behind their backs cut deep into their bellies. The cramping of their legs pounded with their heart beat. Their heads were bent down in defeat, sweat dripping from their chins.
He blindfolded them.
He punched them in their guts so that they swayed back and forth.
He even tickled the soles of their feet!
"Like we said, we're staying here for a while until the heat cools off. And if any of you cause any trouble, we'll tickle your feet until you go INSANE!"
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
The worse still to come!
Jorge was the first to be roped. His friends watched as they displayed the ropes that would bind them.
Jorge played mixed martial arts and got tied up several times. He knew that if he flexed his arms as they were bound, when he relaxed them he would have some wiggle room. He tried this stunt as they tied him, but they yanked the ropes deep into his muscular arms. The veins were popping out of his forearms... his wrists were numb.
When the finished tying me up, they dragged me by my feet and tied a long rope hanging from the rafters.
I was on my belly as they began to hoist me up.
As my body dragged across the the old wooden floor, splinters stuck into my shoulders, the side of my face, and my chest and stomach.
It was too painful and I was screaming in terror as my head listed off the floor.
So I was hanging, upside down, swaying as I heard them hoist up my two friends.
Now hanging by our feet they videoed us as they used our bodies as punching bags!
When they finished beating us up, they stopped the
camera, lowered us down, and tied our ankles to
our necks.
There we remained, beaten and bound, unable to move, left to wait and wonder if we would be rescued or is the worse still to come.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
I Like being tied up.
As the parents of the kidnapped boys watched, the Bandanna around Jake's forehead was pulled down over his eyes. A knotted bandanna was put between the boy's teeth. He got up and was turned around and walked from the camera by two masked men.
They could see that Jake's sleeves had been rolled up baring his arms which were bound at his biceps, elbows, forearms and wrists.
His father gasped. His mother began to cry as the image of the bound boy faded from the camera.
Again they watch as Ashton was blindfolded, gagged and led away, his bound arms a sickly purplish color.

We tried to free ourselves when they left, but it was impossible. We were able to get the bandannas off of our eyes and onto our foreheads so we could see each other's struggles. We even tried to get to each other.... impossible.
Hours seemed like days. We struggled and squirmed trying to get free, but it was impossible.
When the FBI finally came we were bound and gagged for 10 hours. My arms fell limp at my sides, I could not stand. A medic was putting a cream on the ropeburn and helping me bend my arms to get the blood flowing. It hurt like hell but soon we were all on our feet. But we were able to get into the van which took us to the hospital.
Yet, we toughened up through the ordeal, and I discovered one thing about me....
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