Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The pit

Jesse and Ryan's family listened to the deputy's report on TV.  It was their truck.  The say the rope on the ground.  "If they are tied up with that, it's going to hurt a lot," their younger brother said.

They had already spoken to their neighbors and a search party had been formed to go through the rural area to find them.

"But why no ransom demands?" his father asked.

The Trooper looked at him:  "That's not a good sign, Mr. Dawson.  Not a good sign at all."


Their arms were lashed together behind their backs.
Their torsos were circled with ropes.
Their thighs and ankles were bound.
Duct tape, between their teeth had been plastered around their heads a dozen times.
Sweat poured down their brows into their eyes.

They were carried into the old barn house, each over one of their captor's shoulders.

The tape was torn from their mouths.

They pleaded and begged when the saw the old pit.


Ryan fell hard on his back.  His brother fell on top of him.  They looked up and begged for their parents to help them as they were videoed.  Ryan felt the fall and his brother's weight might have broke one of his arms.

Jesse watched them cover the pit.  They could hear them bolting it in place.  It was now a dark prison for the two bound brothers.  Three holes were being drilled into it.

Desperate screams.

A hose had been shoved into one of the holes, and they were being doused with water.

Two tubes were inserted into the other holes.

It was then they realized their fate.  A light from a camera lit their prison as the water kept rising.  They struggled to their knees, their heads near the cover of the pit.  As the water kept rising they put their mouths around the tubes.  Now the pit was full.  The bound Dawson brother breathing only through the thin tubes as a video streamed live to their father.

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