The Plot

The new assistant coach has a sinister plan. He would trick three of the team members to come to his house and he would get them tied up. Once tied, he would chloroform them. Then with his brother
...they would take the boys to the hideout they found.
There, securely bound and gagged, they would be left.
Waiting for the ransom to be paid....
The Innocence
Jeremy went on the floor, prone on his stomach and put his arms behind his back. As his friends watched, the assistant coach crossed his wrists and with a strong rope bound them tightly. "Is it too tight Jeremy?" "No coach. If I was being kidnapped they would tie it up tight." Moving down to Jeremy's ankles, he crossed them and bound them with the same strong rope. "There, now hold still until they other two get bound."
Jeremy watch his buddies get tied hand and foot, like he was. As he watched he realized that his wrists became numb and he broke out into a cold sweat.
"Now, boys, try to escape."
The boys trashed and squirmed for 15 minutes, unable to free their hands or their feet.
"OK Rest. It's time to untie you. My brother is here to help."
Jeremy was ready to be untied. His wrists hurt big time. The coach's brother came.
He kicked young Jeremy in his gut.
As his friends protested that being beat up was not part of the deal he took a syringe and shoved it into the bound boys shoulder. Jeremy quickly slumped. He clouded vision watched his friends get drugged.
He mind faded quickly with he last thought: "Oh fuck, this is real!"
Coming to
Justin and the others slowly regained consciousness. His head was exploding. He tried to move his hands to his head but they were high above his head. He panicked. There he was with his friends lashed to columns in some deserted building.!
Justin's wrists had been pulled above his head and behind the post, crossed and tied together and to the post. A long rope circled his biceps and neck, lashing them to it. His ankles like his his wrists were tied, and his thighs were bound like his upper arms.
He tried to scream.
He was tightly gagged.
He squirmed but could not move his arms or legs an inch.
Terrorized he began to sweat profusely.
They was they tied him, Justin could not see his friends, but could only hear their frightened moans and groans.
"What an ass I was to let that guy tie me up," he thought. "Have they left us? Are they coming back? What will they do to us if they get money, just kill us?"
Again he squirmed.
Useless, His head slumped as much as the rope around his head allowed, and he watch the sweat from his face drip to the floor."
Is this it?
Jorge just kept shaking his head "No," gagged pleading as he saw the assistant coach's brother pull another syringe out of a sack. The coach tenderly took a rag and whipped the sweat from Jorge's face.
"It won't hurt I promise. It works fast. It's what they use for the death penalty. It quickly stops your heart. Would you like me to blindfold you so you don't have to see it?" Jorge nodded his head and the coach circled his eyes with duct tape.
Jorge trembled.
His heart exploding in his chest.
"Just get it over it," he mumbled in the gag.
When he heard sounds of doors crashing, shots being fired, his friends screaming in their gags.
The tape was pulled off of Jorge's eyes...
The cop explained as he cut Jorge's rope that the FBI has tracked the coach's cell phone signature and it lead them here, just at the last moment or else they would be dead. Since they had a syringe in their hands near you and Jeremy, we had to shoot to kill.
"Now I got your legs free. But when I cut the rope off your hands, arms and neck, it will hurt like hell.! "Go ahead get me out of this shit," the boy said. The cop cut the ropes. Blood oozed from the rope burn. The youths arms were limp and burning as the blood began to flow. He collapsed into the cops arms, who carried him out to an ambulance.
"Just the same age as my son," he thought. "Tough kids."
The boys reunited in the ambulance and munched on nutrition bars as their arms and wrists were bandaged. They spoke to their parents on a cell phone.
The cop who saved them road with them.
"Damm you are tough boys, He said.
The boys smiled. They past the test!